Sunday, April 10, 2016

Support Groups

Support Groups are amazing but sometimes hard to find!

After Austin was diagnosed I knew I had to share my T1 parent contacts with Jodi and Nathan, but how.

That was the hard part.

So I decided to create a private Facebook just for Type 1 parents in my local area. Since the group is private, you had to be invited by a mutual friend to be in it. I wanted it this way, so people could vent, ask for help, anything but only with people who completely understood where they were coming from to feel that way. This way you don't get nosey people trying to put his/her two cents in on matters that they have no clue about.

The support group has been such a blessing.

We have members who were able to schedule meetings in a local church once a month, and those who can make it go and meet other parents, the kids get to play and meet other kids who have to stop and sometimes check his/her blood just like them.

We have had college age kids join the group and it has been helpful getting information from them as to things that our T1 might not be able to communicate with us.

I know the Parents of Type 1 Diabetics on Facebook, is a national group and there are often posts to share where you are from in hopes of getting locals together.

Try to find local support and/or create your own group.

The parents in our group are amazing. We share insight, we vent, we ask questions, we schedule playdates, we share fundraising opportunities, and we share experiences.

It's amazing knowing that even though at times we feel all alone, we aren't. There are tons of people sadly who are in our shoes battling this same disease.

~ Heather

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